Integra Technologies

Integra Technologies

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Integra Technologies engineers and manufactures the most advanced RF power solutions for the highest performance radar systems around the world. Our products include RF Power Transistors GaN,RF Power Transistors Silicon,50 Ohm RF Power Transistors,RF Power Amplifier Pallets,etc. We focus on high performance markets providing off the shelf, semi-custom, and custom solutions for aerospace and defense radars, air traffic control, weather radars, avionics, data links, electronic warfare, as well as medical and industrial applications. Not only do we support your current UHF through X-band radar system applications with a full selection of the most advanced high-power pre-matched and fully matched RF power transistors and integrated RF power amplifier modules, we're also committed to supporting your legacy programs and custom design requirements.

Manufacturer Categories

Discrete Semiconductor Devices (10)

RF and Wireless (1)

  • RFQ