Passive Components

Passive Components

Passive Component Category Description

Passive components are the basic components of almost all electronic devices and systems, and play a vital role in circuits. Dasenic Passive Component Classification provides various types of passive component products and related accessories required for your project.

Passive Components Definition

Passive components refer to components that do not require external power to work in the circuit and do not provide gain. They cannot amplify signals or generate energy, but are used to control the characteristics of current, voltage and signals, such as energy storage, impedance matching, filtering, etc.

Common Passive Components

Resistor: Limit current and distribute voltage. Used for voltage division, current limiting, signal attenuation, load, etc.

Capacitor: Store and release charge, filter AC signals or stabilize voltage. Used for filtering, coupling, decoupling, timing circuits, etc.

Inductor: Store magnetic field energy and prevent current changes. Used for filtering, energy storage, signal tuning, etc.

Transformer: Convert voltage and current levels through electromagnetic induction. Used for power adapter, impedance matching, isolation, etc.

Bridge Circuit: Used for precise measurement and detection of resistance, inductance, capacitance and other values. Commonly used in sensors and measuring instruments.

Filter: Filters signals within a specific frequency range. Used for signal processing, noise suppression, communications, etc.

Ferrite beads: Act as high-frequency noise filters in circuits, especially with high impedance to high-frequency signals and low impedance to low-frequency signals and DC signals. Used to suppress high-frequency noise and electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Characteristics of passive components

Power management: Such as capacitors and inductors in filters and smoothing circuits, used for voltage stabilization and noise suppression.

Signal processing: Such as resistors in voltage dividers and capacitors in filter circuits, used to adjust the voltage, current or frequency characteristics of signals.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Use inductors, capacitors and resistors to reduce electromagnetic interference.

Sensor interface: Passive components are often used in sensor interfaces in measurement circuits, such as detection of temperature, pressure, light intensity, etc.

The selection of passive components involves considering the electrical requirements, specifications, and constraints of the circuit, as well as any application-specific considerations, to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Passive Components to the manufacturers


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