TDK Electronics

TDK Electronics

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Founded in 1999, TDK Electronics (previously EPCOS) develops, manufactures and markets electronic components and systems under the product brands of TDK, EPCOS, Tronics and Relyon Plasma focusing on fast-growing leading-edge technology markets, which include automotive electronics, industrial electronics and consumer electronics as well as information and communications technology.

The diverse range of TDK Electronics portfolio includes capacitors, ferrites and inductors, piezo and protection devices, as well as sensors.

The company is positioned globally and close to its customers, employs 23,200 people at around 20 development and manufacturing sites, and has a tight-knit sales network. In addition to the production of standard products, another of our core competence is working with our customers to implement solutions that meet their needs.

TDK Electronics is a subsidiary of TDK Corporation(OTCMKTS:TTDKY), a world leader in electronic solutions for the smart society based in Tokyo, Japan.

Manufacturer Categories

  • RFQ