Tri-Mag, LLC brand logo

Tri-Mag, LLC

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Brand Introduction

Tri-Mag, LLC is now a subsidiary of the leading manufacturer of electrical components, Curtis Industries. Our full line of power supplies and DC-DC converters are now a part of the Curtis family of products and our EMI/RFI filters are a great addition to Curtis’ quality line of filters, terminal blocks and interconnect solutions. Partnering to offer an even more comprehensive line of products, Tri-Mag, LLC and Curtis Industries are truly your number one resource for electrical components and power conversion solutions.Tri-mag is proud to provide our custom designed electrical components to many different outlets of the industrial sector. Our products are designed with efficiency in mind, making them ideal power supplies for industrial applications including:High-efficiency LED lighting,Industrial Machinery,Casinos and Gaming,Medical Equipment,etc.

Popular Tri-Mag, LLC Categories

Electronic Filters (1)

Internal / External(Off-Board) Supplies (570)

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