Official Website:https://www.temprel.com/
Temprel, Inc. is a manufacturer and seller of temperature sensors and related equipment including:Thermocouples,Thermocouple Wire,Thermowells,RTDs,Thermocouple Extension Harnesses,Brass Hose Couplings,Hose Clamp Mounts,Custom Mounting Solutions,etc.
Our products are used in a variety of industries including Automotive Research and Development, Diesel Engine Testing, Aerospace, Boiler and Furnace Applications, Plastic Injection Molding, Gas Turbine Exhaust, Kiln Temperature Measurement, Dairy Pasteurization, and Laboratory Experiments.
The company was founded in 1968. Temprel relocated to Boyne City, Michigan in 1973 and moved its headquarters to its present location in the late 1980’s. The company has a long-tenured staff of well-trained craftspeople that take pride in being a “Made-in-Michigan” producer of high quality temperaturesensors.
Manufacturer Categories
Sensor Devices (6)