Switch Components
Official Website: https://www.switchcomp.com/
Brand Introduction
Switch Components, Inc. (SCI) is a high-quality supplier of AC and DC switch products serving the transportation, electrical and electronic markets. The company was established in 2018 as a new independent component division of Triad Partners, LLC. Prior to 2018, SCI products were manufactured and sold through its sister divisions, OptiFuse and Vortex Technologies.
Since its beginning, SCI has been a pioneer in the development and manufacturing of patented illuminated and non-illuminated switches as well as providing customers with custom-made components for their individual application needs.
SCI employs an automated production line which helps to maintain high levels of consistency and quality as well as providing a platform for continuous cost-reduction. The automated equipment includes machinery such as continuous table presses, robotic plastic injection and insertion molding, CNC machining, laser marking, and vision inspection equipment. Our production facilities in Tainan City, Taiwan and Semarang, Indonesia have been certified to meet ISO 9001:2002 / 14000:2004 and TS16949:2002 levels of quality assurance. Switch Components, Inc. employs a Total Quality Management (TQM) approach to its manufacturing to ensure that 100% of its products exceed expected standards.Many of the parts are listed or recognized by UL and/or other international safety organizations. And all of our switches are manufactured to meet, and in many cases, exceed rigorous SAE standards. Several of our switches are designed to ABYC’s ignition protected standards.