Official Website:http://www.spraguegoodman.com
Sprague Goodman is a company specializing in the design and manufacturing of precision electronic components, particularly in the field of variable capacitors, trimmer capacitors, and tuning elements. We are at the forefront of technology, custom designs, quality and fast delivery.
Sprague Goodman designs, develops, manufactures and markets variable capacitors, varactor diodes, tuning elements and inductors to supply leading edge companies with all of their tuning needs. These components are widely used in various applications, including RF, microwave, and communication systems.
We offer both standard and custom-designed components. Our Dedicated Custom Products Division collaborates with other engineers to provide advice and support for projects, whether starting from scratch or modifying existing products.
The production facility in Westbury, New York has been surveyed and approved by the Department of Defense, and numerous customers. Sprague Goodman has been awarded "preferred vendor" status by many major electronic manufacturers.
Manufacturer Categories
Capacitors (1197)
Trimmers Variable Capacitors (1197)
Discrete Semiconductor Devices (11)
Inductors, Coils, Chokes (48)
RF and Wireless (21)