Official Website:https://www.resensys.com/
Resensys was founded in 2008 with the mission of protecting infrastructure systems against aging and malfunction . For this purpose, Resensys developed a global network to supply its high precision, durable and reliable structural monitoring solutions to customer applications including bridges, tunnels, buildings, dams and cranes.
Based on its award winning ultra low power wireless sensor network technology, known as SenSpot™, Resensys provides a powerful platform for remote monitoring of strain (stress), vibration (acceleration), displacement, crack activity, tilt, inclination, temperature, and humidity.
Having monitored all these important structural quantities in real time, SenSpot sensors provide reliable tools to measure overstrain, metal fatigue, formation of cracks, movement and stability of foundation, as well as monitoring vibration and performing modal analysis. Currently, Resensys’s SenSpots are the world’s most energy efficient wireless monitoring sensors and a SenSpot sensor provides a minimum of 10 years of monitoring using a small CR123A battery.
Manufacturer Categories
Sensor Devices (7)