Official Website:https://recom-power.com
Founded in 1974 in Dietzenbach, Germany, RECOM Power GmbH is a manufacturer of AC/DC electronic power supplies and DC/DC converters with over 30,000 compact power supplies for use in a wide variety of applications, including electronics, telecommunications, industrial automation, medical devices, automotive, and renewable energy.
RECOM specializes in AC/DC power supplies and DC/DC converters, switching regulators, and LED drivers and provides worldwide customer service.
Today, The company headquarters are located in Gmunden, Austria, and include a state-of-the-art logistics, research and development center, and laboratory wing and is supported by a worldwide distribution network. The RECOM name has become synonymous with high quality, integrity, innovation, and excellent customer service.
Manufacturer Categories
Electronic Filters (7)
Inductors, Coils, Chokes (13)
Fixed Inductors (13)
Board-Mount Power Supplies (23165)
Internal / External(Off-Board) Supplies (214)