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Founded in 1974 in Dietzenbach, Germany, RECOM Power GmbH is a manufacturer of AC/DC electronic power supplies and DC/DC converters with over 30,000 compact power supplies for use in a wide variety of applications, including electronics, telecommunications, industrial automation, medical devices, automotive, and renewable energy. RECOM specializes in AC/DC power supplies and DC/DC converters, switching regulators, and LED drivers and provides worldwide customer service. Today, The company headquarters are located in Gmunden, Austria, and include a state-of-the-art logistics, research and development center, and laboratory wing and is supported by a worldwide distribution network. The RECOM name has become synonymous with high quality, integrity, innovation, and excellent customer service.

Manufacturer Categories

Electronic Filters (7)

Inductors, Coils, Chokes (13)

Board-Mount Power Supplies (23165)

Internal / External(Off-Board) Supplies (214)

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