Official Website:https://pixelink.com/
Pixelink® is a leader in the design and manufacture of high-quality, consistently reliable industrial and life science cameras for machine vision, medical imaging, biometrics, and microscopy applications. Since 1992, Pixelink has supported the imaging requirements of customers around the world with off-the-shelf, OEM and custom industrial imaging solutions.
Our technology, products and people make all the difference. We specialize in:FPGA-based cameras for unique custom solutions;Multi-camera synchronization;Robust, fault tolerant firmware and software;OEM and custom camera design and manufacturing;Support of direct connection cable lengths via USB 3.1 Gen 1 ~3m and up to 100m using active cables;Camera packages with 4K HDR lenses for maximum stray light rejection;Phenomenal support plus engineering.
At Pixelink, our goal is to make your machine vision, microscopy or life science application a success. We design and manufacture cameras with this objective always in mind.
Manufacturer Categories
Sensor Devices (15)