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Brand Introduction

Narda-MITEQ designs and manufactures an extensive range of standard active/passive components, subsystems, and IMAs, as well as custom solutions tailored to meet the specific requirements found on land, sea, air, and in the harsh environment of space.

Key Narda-MITEQ offerings: Active/passive components and subsystems, including Amplifiers, Mixers, Oscillators/Synthesizers, Couplers, Power Dividers, Fiber Optics, PIN Diode Control products and SATCOM solutions.

Although Narda-MITEQ offers one of the broadest arrays of standard catalog products, a significant percent of our work is for customized components, assemblies, and systems designed specifically around customer needs.

Narda-MITEQ is part of the Narda Holdings family of companies and is headquartered in New York. Its history dates back to 1953.

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