MH&W International Corp.
Official Website:https://mhw-intl.com/
MH&W International Corporation is a highly specialized sales and engineering organization in The United States, Canada and Mexico for high quality ferrites, bobbins, thermal interface materials and powder cores.
With sales offices and warehouses in key cities throughout North America, MH&W is ready to serve its customers quickly and efficiently. In addition to providing high-quality reliable products, MH&W operates as an exclusive engineering and marketing interface between several major global manufacturers and its US, Canadian and Mexican customers.
Our product offerings include the following:
TDK and TDK-Epcos industrial grade soft ferrite cores and accessories;
China based low cost MnZn and NiZn based soft ferrite cores;
India based low cost MnZn and NiZn based soft ferrite cores;
CSC MPP, Sendust and new HS powder cores;
TDK electro-magnetic components;
Magnetec nanocrystalline cores;
Full line of coilformers and accessories from Pin Shine, Proper Mold and NORWE;
Diotec Semiconductor products,and more.
Manufacturer Categories
Discrete Semiconductor Devices (6)