Man Yue
Official Website:https://www.manyue.com/
Man Yue Technology Holdings Limited is a company whose shares have been listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited since 1997. The core businesses of the Company and its subsidiaries are the manufacture and sale of high technology electronic components, including Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, Conductive Polymer Aluminum Solid Capacitors and other innovative electronic components. As the key manufacturer of E-Caps and Polymer Caps, the Group owns the renowned SAMXON® and X-CON® brands. Man Yue Tech is headquartered in Hong Kong and operates its state-of-the-art E-Caps manufacturing facilities in Dongguan, Wuxi and Jiangxi, with a total production capacity of over 1 billion pieces per month. The Group owns two aluminum foil factories located in Qingyuan and Yaan producing aluminum foil for its own consumption. The Group has distribution offices located in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, complemented by worldwide distribution channels.
Manufacturer Categories
Capacitors (71)