Mainstream Engineering
Official Website:https://www.qwik.com/
Mainstream Engineering Corporation is a solutions-oriented research, development and manufacturing business founded in 1986. Our Engineering Mission is to research and develop emerging technologies and to engineer these technologies into superior-quality military and private-sector products that provide a technological advantage. Areas of expertise include thermal control, energy conversion, turbomachinery, chemical-based technologies and nano-technology.
Mainstream began as a thermal-science R&D company solving NASA and DOD problems related to thermal control, replacement working fluids and advanced heat pump development. Today, while continuing to perform these R&D projects for NASA, DOD, DOE, DOT and DOC (NIST) applications, we have found a tremendous need for rapid, cost-effective engineering solutions in the commercial world. Mainstream has in-house facilities to transition an innovation from its initial laboratory proof-of-concept experiments to extensive field tests.
Manufacturer Categories
Motors & Drivers (3)
AC and DC Motors (3)