Lumex Inc.
Official Website: https://www.lumex.com/
Brand Introduction
For over 40 years, Lumex, a member of the ITW Group, has been a global leader in the optoelectronics industry. With the broadest range of high efficiency, high performance LEDs and LCDs in the industry, Lumex provides thousands of standard products and specializes in semi-custom and custom designs.
Lumex's optical range encompasses a wide spectrum including UV, visible and infrared wavelengths.
Lumex's Technical Design Specialists are experts in collaboratively developing effective, smart solutions to design dilemmas.
Lumex works closely with clients to identify the best standard or customized technology for each specific application need.
We serve 24 countries, including the Americas, Europe, and Asia, and cater to over 23 industries. Our customer base exceeds 80,000.
Lumex received its initial ISO 9001 registration in 1996.