Lime Microsystems

Lime Microsystems

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Lime Microsystems, leading provider of field-programmable radio technology and app-enabled software-defined wireless networks.

Lime Microsystems specialises in field programmable RF (FPRF) transceivers, SDR platforms and ecosystem technology for the next generation of wireless broadband systems.

Lime’s technology has been adopted by organisations around the world for a wide range of applications from consumer communications equipment — femtocells and repeaters — to software defined radio devices for military and emergency services. Applications include comms infrastructure, disaster relief networks, M2M technology and test / verification systems.

The company is renowned internationally for its analogue, mixed-mode and RF design as well as its expertise in end-system applications. Its technology enables a single platform design to be implemented anywhere in the world, regardless of the countless local standard / frequency variants.

Manufacturer Categories

  • RFQ