Kurokesu UAB

Official Website: https://www.kurokesu.com/home/

Initially I made all the parts and assembled every product myself, from USB cameras and lenses through to precision tools and motion systems. Of course, this took lots of time. Since 2017 I was able to focus solely on the engineering side of things, and work with various quality producers around the world. I first started selling my products in late 2015, and spring of 2017 I was able quit my day job and focus 100% on Kurokesu. Today, Kurokesu supplies big reputable companies and home developers. The business side of Kurokesu is also developing one man brand become reputable company. Kurokesu has featured in numerous publications: Makezine, Diyphotography, Petapixel, Flipboard, Hackaday, EEVblog, Dangerousprototypes, Openalpr and more.

Manufacturer Product Categories

  • RFQ