H&D Wireless

Official Website: http://www.hd-wireless.se

H&D Wireless is a Swedish Internet of Things cloud and platform system provider. Its Griffin IoT cloud platform is an end-to-end system solution containing world-class wireless modules, cloud services with analytics and artificial intelligence visualized through smartphone applications for smart homes and enterprises. Since 2016,the company offers Griffin Enterprise Positioning System (GEPS ™) as a cloud service for indoor positioning of physical objects that can digitally transform business processes for increased flexibility, better efficiency and greater profitability. H&D Wireless was founded in 2009 and is among Sweden’s fastest growing and most decorated IoT companies, with more than 1,100,000 wireless products shipped to date for IoT, M2M solutions across the globe. The shares of H&D Wireless are listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm since December 2017.

Manufacturer Product Categories

  • RFQ