

Official Website:http://www.electro-nc.com

Electroswitch Electronic Products has been providing highly reliable, fully engineered switch solutions and custom value-added services to the Commercial, Industrial and Defense Markets since 1986. Customers can choose from the industry's widest range of standard and custom electromechanical switches. Electroswitch is a unit of Electro Switch Corp, founded in 1946. Electroswitch is recognized for quality and best-in-class lead-times for their industry leading switch brands including Stackpole, Shallcross, CRL/Centralab, Eaton Miniature, ASM, OakGrigsby, Gaynor and CW Industries. With skilled, experienced design engineers, Electroswitch has the unique ability to offer custom designed switches to precisely fit virtually any customer requirement in hundreds of applications.

Manufacturer Categories

Optoelectronics Devices (12)

Sensor Devices (4)

  • RFQ