DECA SwitchLab
Official Website:https://deca-switchlab.com/
SwitchLab Inc. was found in 1988. We are now the professional leading manufacturer of electric machinery switches and terminal blocks in Taiwan. SwitchLab Inc. over the years has constantly developed European type switches, Japanese type terminal blocks, and some of European type terminal blocks to meet market demand. Meanwhile, the electric machinery market is growing up fast.
We created the trademark “DECA”:We would like to meet total solution demand from customers, so we have our own departments for injection, molding, stamping and mechanical equipments in house started from 1995. This allows us to speed product development and control quality stability; therefore we can meet customer requirements in price, quality, & delivery.
With over 20 years of experience in the development of electric machinery products, SwitchLab becomes a leading manufacturer of professional illuminated pushbutton switches, particular switches, & terminal connection in Taiwan. Our products, not only switches but also terminal blocks, dominate more than 50% market share in the industrial field of Taiwan. That’s why we are able to be OEM/ODM for famous companies in worldwide.
Manufacturer Categories
Connectors & Interconnects (5)