Columbia Research Laboratories
Official Website:https://www.crlsensors.com
Founded in 1957,Columbia Research Laboratories, Inc. is dedicated to providing the most reliable sensors and systems for the military, commercial and industrial markets.
Columbia manufactures a broad variety of sensors and associated signal conditioning electronics that include force balance inertial-grade accelerometers and inclinometers, piezoelectric vibration and pressure sensors, strain gage aircraft mainframe fatigue sensors, precision linear variable differential transducers, and fiber optic sensors.
One of our most prestigious endeavors was the design and production of gold-plated airborne vibration systems utilized on every lunar excursion module of the Apollo Program.
Columbia is a privately held woman-owned small business located in Woodlyn, Pennsylvania. We presently house 20,000 square feet of modern clerical, management and engineering offices, product development and environmental test laboratories, and efficient production hardware manufacturing and test centers.
Manufacturer Categories
Sensor Devices (23)