Cal Test Electronics

Cal Test Electronics

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Since 1995, Cal Test Electronics has provided high quality accessories to an ever-evolving test and measurement market.From the standard to the unique, Cal Test offers solutions to fit any need.

Founded to provide original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with custom test accessory solutions, the company has expanded, supplying its own name-brand products to a network of world-class distributors.

Cal Test provides one of the most complete test accessory offerings available on the market, which include:
Oscilloscope probes – passive, active, and high voltage;
DMM probes, leads, and complete accessory kits;
Banana plugs, jacks, and test lead assemblies;
Coaxial adapters and cable assemblies;
Test lead wire and storage racks.

By following the latest technological advances in electronics, Cal Test
regularly develops and introduces new products to meet the ever-changing needs of the test and measurement industry.

Manufacturer Categories

  • RFQ