Amulet Technologies

Amulet Technologies

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We are proud to be headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, the center for innovative technology companies. As one of the top LCD display manufacturers world-wide, our goal is to help transform everyday products to create a smarter world. At Amulet Technologies, we offer standard hardware for embedded systems such as display modules, controller boards and chips. Because we are experts in the display manufacturing industry, we are also delighted to craft customized solutions. These solutions can be tailored precisely to your expectations, volume and budget. Our displays can also be integrated with the latest technology such as IoT, Bluetooth, wireless, voice control and more. Regardless of your needs, we guarantee your product will achieve the ultimate user experience. Moreover, we carry the best GUI software design tool GEMstudio Pro™. Our software can be used to effortlessly design and implement custom user interfaces.

Manufacturer Categories

  • RFQ